Why There Should be a Specific Group Movement?

Anthony Kurnia Jaya
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Recently, there was a public movement called Black Lives Matter. But, isn’t all lives matter? Why it is needed to be specified?

Black Lives Matter Movement (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/for-immigrants-marching-with-black-lives-matter-has-risks)

Based on this movement website (https://blacklivesmatter.com/), Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a movement to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. With the fact that this movement was actually formed in 2013, the most recent news from this movement has happened on 30 May 2020 when a US Citizen, named George Floyd, was found dead due to a racism issue. This article won’t discuss more the case as it has been widely discussed. The main focus is why a movement should target a specific group only?

On 16 February 2020, two Asian people were randomly attacked in New York City. With the same long bad history, Asian people in US also have the same racism issue as the black people in US. But, the big question is, why there wasn’t any big movement to ask for justice. This is a very interesting topic to be discussed. In my own opinion, I am thinking that there should be a big movement for anti-racism issue. If there was already formed, then it should be more supported. Why the BLM could get a lot of appreciation and also supported by a lot of people around the world. Was it just because the case of racism to black people is higher? If it is the answer, then it only needs to count the time until there will be another racist action against the other race. Moreover, with a specific movement called Black Lives Matter, doesn’t it counted as a racist action too because it only considers black people?

Another hot issue is sexism, where there is a movement called Feminist Movement. Based on Laura Brunell (2019) definition of Feminist Movement is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. At the very first time, this movement was giving a big impact to ask for the same opportunity for every gender. For example, in the early 19th and 20th centuries, a woman wasn’t allowed to go to school and wasn’t allowed to have an occupancy as they are stigmatized to work only in the kitchen. However, in this modern era, the feminist movement starts to be misused. For example, in the previous era, woman was prohibited to work in an engineering role and the result of Feminist movement should be giving the same opportunity for a girl to work in an engineering role. The misused of accepting this movement was by giving privilege for women to work in engineering roles. As a result, men start to get the impact and receive the inequality action. Therefore, to give balance and give justice for every gender, why does the movement is focused on a more general issue, such as Gender Equality?

Feminist Movement (https://www.vox.com/2018/3/20/16955588/feminism-waves-explained-first-second-third-fourth)

To sum up, in my opinion, it is really important for a public movement to ask for justice for every group. There should be justice for every race, not only black people. There should be justice for every gender, not only women. It shouldn’t be specified for a specific group only.

P.S. This article fully contained with personal opinion, the writer really open to any further discussion in the comment section.



Anthony Kurnia Jaya

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